Tuesday, November 06, 2007


靚? 唔靚!!!
作為一個貓主, 我最錫的不是一隻靚的貓, 而是那隻逗我歡喜的醜小貓! 我愛牠精靈"古惑", 愛牠活潑好動,愛牠任我"如欲"!
我不是繁殖者, 但因貓而認識了我貓兒的繁殖者; 在cat show裡, 也認識了其他的繁殖者, 雖然別人不一定認識我, 但作為一個局外人, 我有自己的體會!
一個繁殖者繁殖的貓是好是壞, 並不完全操控在他的手上, 不過一個人的修養, 品行卻能完全自控的!
一個喜歡說三道四, 搬弄是非, 歪曲事實, 甚至無中生有, 肆意批評別人, 這個人的品行及修養有幾好?! 就算他繁殖的貓有多靚, 可以掩蓋他品行上的缺陷嗎?
在我訂下Secret還未回家的時候, Wendy覺得他越大越靚, 雖然有人建議她撻訂或加價, 她都沒有這樣做!
那個人是好是壞, 相信聰明及心水清的人會知道的了!


Wendy Tso said...

繁殖者的目標都在於繁殖高質的貓, 我的目標亦一樣. 我承應我還有很多要改進, 只是, 那人說我繁殖的貓不漂亮, 我想反問她一句, 你敢保證你的貓一定嬴?
另外, 我賣了很多貓去大陸? 都死了? 叫那些貓主出來跟我說啊! 我直到今天只賣了6隻貓在大陸, 都還活著! 一堆不實的屁話, 那人是什麼居心?? 想不透.....
感激你對我的支持和信任, 謝謝你!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely agree with you!! There are a lot of rumours in this field!! No need to bother those rumours and just do your best is ok!! I will always stand by your side and support you!! One day win not represents always win!! I think win the cat show really depends on a lot of factors!! I believe that your cats will win a lot in the future!! Stand up and no need to care other's words!! Cheer up!! At least you have a lot of "Fans" supporting you!!

菲菲 said...

唏,唔好勞氣啦,清者自清,你問心無愧咪得囉.係貓展勝出又如何,最靚果隻貓梗係自己屋企果隻啦!!菲菲唔洗show,就已經自動當選DW@TO KWA WAN啦!!XDDD

Anonymous said...

係呀係呀! 我papa都係DW@MissFOUR呀!^~^

Anonymous said...

Agree with you! Sometimes I feel very disappointed about some breeders. I think they should be the cat lovers so they choose breeding of cat to be their professional, but the fact is…the ribbon and title are more important than their cat. I am just a simple cat lover and unprofessional about grooming, breeding or even judge whether a cat is ‘up to standard’ or not. I just treat them as my son and daughter and try my best to let them live happier. Keeping a cat to ‘perfect’ status is not as difficult as expected, but we also need to concern about the ‘process’ to let them ‘perfect’ and consider their feeling. Everyone can let a cat stay in a cage, eating watery food by injection in order to keep their coat white, however, is it normal to a cat??? Will you do this to your son or daughter? ‘famous’ breeder, why you will proud of it??? Cat show is a chance for cat lover gathering but not a place for war. Everyone wants their cat win in the show, but there should be no conflict with others! Right?

I don’t want to make it too serious, spreading gossip and challenge the professional breeder. However, if the professional breeder ‘luckily’ have the chance to see this private blog, I should remind you never try to provoke our Coolook Family, we have no intention to compete against you, we just want to enjoy the show. I will not feel shame for what I have done on my cats …… can you?